JUBEL JUBEL (Jubilation 2024), for mixed chorus and optional children´s choir. Commissioned by Christoffer Holgersson. Available from Swedish Music Information Center. First performance November 2024 in Adolf Fredrik Church, Stockholm. Adolf Fredrik Chamber Choir, cond Christoffer Holgersson.
LJUS I MÖRKRET (Light in the darkness 2023), for treble choir, SSAA-choir and marimba Commissioned by Church of Sweden, Huddinge. Available from Swedish Music Information Center. First performance February 2023 in Huddinge Church, Stockholm. Treble choir and ensemble from Huddinge Chamber Choir, Petter Hedbom, marimba, Henrik Johansson, cond.
SOM TÖRSTIG JORD (Thirsty Soil 2022), three short pieces for mixed choir (lyrics Göran Sahlberg) Publ Ejeby https://ejeby.se/produkt/som-torstig-jord/. First performance March 2024 in Olaus Petri Church, Örebro, Sweden. Olaus Petri Vocalis, Mats Bertilsson, cond.
TIMMARNA VID HAVET (Hours by the Sea 2022), for mixed choir (lyrics Göran Sahlberg) Publ Ejeby https://ejeby.se/produkt/timmarna-vid-havet/ First performance September 2023 in Engelbrekt Church, Stockholm. Camerata Engelbrekt, Bengt Eklund, cond. Prize winner piece in Swedish national choir composition contest (Ejeby publ. Gothenburg).
KLARAS FRANCISKUS (2022), for reciter and organ (lyrics Göran Sahlberg) Commissioned by National Church of Sweden. Publ Wessmans. https://www.wessmans.com/Article/202219—-klaras-franciskus-ett-orgel%C3%A4ventyr-orgel First performance March 2023 in Ekerö Church, Stockholm. Kerstin Baldwin Sterner, organ, Lisa Tegelmark, reciter, Children´s choir Ekerö, Helena Hansson cond.
EROS & AGAPE (2021), for soprano (or mezzosoprano), flute and piano (lyrics Ylva Eggehorn) Commissioned by Church of Sweden, Spånga Kista, Stockholm. Available from Swedish Music Information Center. First performance in Spånga Church, Stockholm October 2021. Karin Frölén, soprano, Erik Sunnerstam, flute, Hans Wikström, piano.
DET BLÅSER EN VIND (There is a blowing wind 2021), three climate songs for choir SATB (+ congregation) and piano, (lyrics Magnus Myrberg, Göran Sahlberg, Gudrun Rosén) (Publ Wessmans, 2021) https://www.wessmans.com/ArticleDetail?art=202215
DU KAN BLI DEN SOM TALAR (You can be the one that speaks 2021), lyrics Gudrun Rosén for SSA choir (young voices) and piano Publ Wessmans förlag 2022 https://wessmans.com/Article/202260—-du-kan-bli-den-som-talar-k%C3%B6r
JORDENS ROP (The Earth Calls 2021, lyrics Gudrun Rosén) for mixed chorus a cappella (Publ Ejeby, 2021) https://ejeby.se/produkt/jordens-rop/ First performance in Stockholm, Sweden, March 2022. St James Vocal Ensemble, Mikael Wedar cond.
ÄN ÄR INTE ALLT FÖRLORAT (All Is Not Yet Forfeit 2021, lyrics Göran Sahlberg) for mixed chorus and piano (available from Swedish Music Information Center).
O NEJ (Oh No, 2021, lyrics Olof Lagercrantz) for female chorus a cappella (Swedish Music Information Center)
LÅT RÄTTEN FLÖDA FRAM (Righteousness a Mighty Stream, 2020, lyrics Göran Sahlberg) for SATB chorus, organ/piano and djembe or a cappella) Available from the composer kjell@perder.se
PSALM 23 (The Lord is My Shepherd, rev 2020) for alto solo and chorus a cappella (Publ Ejeby, 2021) https://ejeby.se/produkt/psalm-23/
DET FÖRLORADE PARADISET (The Lost Paradise, 2020, lyrics F Schiller and L v Beethoven) for double choir and recitation. Commissioned by Southern Choral Centre, Sweden. Publ Ejeby, 2020. https://ejeby.se/produkt/det-forlorade-paradiset-das-verlorene-paradies/ First performance in Lund, Sweden Oct 2020. Lund Academic Chorus, cond. Cecilia Martin-Löf
NATTENS DJUP (Night´s depth 2020, lyrics Karin Boye) for soprano, cello and piano. (Swedish Music Information Center). First performance in Allhelgonakyrkan, Lund, Sweden Oct 2020. Elin Eriksson, soprano, Markus Kvint, piano, Henning Fredriksson, cello (Commissioned by Elin Eriksson) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INzXonad7no&list=PLXoBG-aJ3Rhd90n0uAILvVACSimzaUolo&index=1
ALLELUIA (2020) for soprano solo, mixed chorus, organ and oboe (or other solo wind instrument). (Publ Ejeby) https://ejeby.se/produkt/alleluia/ First performance in St Eskil Church, Haninge, Stockholm, Sweden in May 2022. Maria Wackt, soprano, Arne Johansson, organ, Maria Nyquist Sundström, oboe, St Eskil Church Choir, Vendelsö Church Chamber Choir, SAS Choir, cond composer.
CORAL RESURRECTION (2019) for mixed chorus and soprano saxophone (Publ Ejeby, 2020) (Commissioned by Stockholm Music Gymnasium and Coral Guardians/Albaeco, with grants from Pro Suecia Foundation). First performance in Stockholm, Sweden in October 2022, Anders Paulsson soprano saxophone, Kungsholmen Musikgymnasium Chamber Choir, Helene Stureborg, cond.
NOW OR NEVER! (2018) for treble choir, mixed choir and chamber orchestra. Commissioned by Västmanlandsmusiken. Available from Swedish Music Information Center. First performance in Västerås Concert Hall, May 2019 with Västerås Music classes and Västerås Sinfonietta, cond. Marie Rosenmir, https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/7226162
MIN FÖRTVIVLAN OCH MIN KRAFT (”My despair and my strength” 2018, lyrics Karin Boye) for soprano/mezzosoprano and piano. Available from Swedish Music Information Center. First performance September 2018, Evelina Stenvall, soprano, Viktor Stener, piano
PÅ TREDJE DAGEN… (On the third day… 2018, lyrics Kjell Perder) for choir and percussion, or a cappella. Commissioned by Enskede Church, Stockholm. Available from Swedish Music Information Center. First performance April 2018, Ars Longa, David Åberg, cond.
OUR LAST WORDS (2017) – trad/bible texts – for choir and four pilgrim´s staffs. (Commissioned by Southern Choral Centre, Sweden and St John´s Church, Malmö). First performance Oct 2017, St John´s Chamber Choir, Malmö, Christian Schultze, cond. (Publ Ejeby, 2021) https://ejeby.se/produkt/our-last-words/
SET FREE THE OPPRESSED! (English version 2017) – trad/bible texts – for choir a cappella. (Swedish Music Information Center)
BEFRIA DE FÖRTRYCKTA! (Set Free the Oppressed! 2017) – trad/bible texts – for choir a cappella. Commissioned by Danderyd Church, Stockholm. Publ. Gehrmans, Stockholm 2018 https://www.gehrmans.se/butik/kor/befria-de-fortryckta-13341 Released on CD Et in terra… (Swedish Society SCD 1186) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMTIVLP2WCc
Vokalensemblen Sundbyberg, cond. Rikard Lindberg Karlsson, First performance June 2018, Danderyd Vocal Ensemble, cond. Rikard Lindberg Karlsson
EVIG NÅD (Eternal grace 2017) – trad/bible texts – for choir a cappella. (Swedish Music Information Center). First performance September 2018, Chamber Choir of Adolf Fredrik Church, Stockholm, cond. Christoffer Holgersson
DU SÅG MIG FÖRST (You saw me first 2016) – Göran Sahlberg – for choir SAB and organ. (Swedish Music Information Center). First performance Febr 2017, Boo Chamber Choir, cond. Helena Enghardt. (Prize winner in composition contest by Church of Sweden 2017).
JUBILATE DEO (2015/16) – trad/bible texts – for choir, piano and organ. Commissioned by Enskede Church, Stockholm. Available from Swedish Music Information Center). First performance Febr 2017, Enskede Church with Britta Lovén, Magnus Sköld, Enskede Chamber Choir, cond. David Åberg.
JORDEN BEHÖVER FRED (The Earth Needs Peace 2016) – childrens texts – for SSA-choir and piano. Commissioned by Samtida Musik, Stockholm. First performance Tibble Church, Täby, Oct 2016 with Täby Music Classes, cond. Anders Asp. Svensk Musikvår (Swedish Music Spring Festival) 2017. Released on CD ”Under samma himmel” (FIM). Score available from Swedish Music Information Center. https://www.samtidamusik.se/blog/kjell-perder-2610
IKAROS (2015) – G Sahlberg – for mixed chorus SSATBB and perc. (from climate opera Earth and wind) Available from Swedish Music Information Center. First performance Museum of Photography, Stockholm, April 2016, Voces Nordicae, cond. Lone Larsen
BRÖDERNA MONTGOLFIER (2015) – G Sahlberg – for mixed chorus SSATBB, flute, trumpet and perc. (from climate opera Earth and wind) (Swedish Music Information Center)
ARIOSO – MEINE HÄNDE (2015) – Rilke/G Sahlberg – for mezzosoprano and trumpet (from climate opera Earth and wind) (Swedish Music Information Center)
First performance Royal College of Music, Stockholm January 2022. Karolina Åström, mezzosoprano, Tuva Trygged Iko, trumpet
ABBAS IBN FIRNAS (2015) – G Sahlberg – for mixed chorus SSATBarB, perc and recorder (from climate opera Earth and wind), (Swedish Music Information Center)
KYRIE /from climate opera Earth and wind/(2015) – trad – for mixed chorus SSATBB a cappella (from climate opera Earth and wind) (Swedish Music Information Center)
MONA LISA (2015) – G Sahlberg – for mixed chorus SSATBB and perc. (from climate opera Earth and wind) (Swedish Music Information Center)
DEN SAMTIDA RESENÄREN (The Contemporary Traveller 2015) – G Sahlberg – for mixed chorus SSATBB, flute, trumpet and perc. (from climate opera Earth and wind) (Swedish Music Information Center)
PAX ET CARITAS (2015) – bible texts – for choir and organ. (Swedish Music Information Center) First performance Enskede Church, Stockholm Oct 2015 with Enskede Chamber Choir, cond. David Åberg
LOVE IS ALL (2014) for choir (SSAATTBB). (Publ. Gehrmans, Stockholm 2016) First performance Gribbylund Chapel, Täby, April 2015 with Cantabile Nova
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GAMMAL NEDERLÄNDARE (Old Dutch 2014) – Bo Bergman – for soprano, tenor, baritone and piano. Commissioned by Mirror Visions Ensemble, USA. (Available from Swedish Music Information Center). First performance Swedish Church, Paris May 2015 with Mirror Visions Ensemble.
KRING VATTENRYMDEN (Around water space 2014) – Bo Bergman – for bass voice and piano. Commissioned by Erik Rosenius. (Swedish Music Information Center) First performance Royal College of Music Stockholm April 2014 with Erik Rosenius and Jacob Lidåkra,
JUBILATE (2013) for choir (SSAATTBB) and djembe. (Swedish Music Information Center) First performance Tureberg Church May 2013. Cantabile Nova
LYCKANS MINUT (Stunning moment 2012) – E Lindorm – for tenor (or soprano) and cello. (Swedish Music Information Center) First performance Vaxholm Church Dec 2019 with Alexander Niclasson, tenor and Isabel Blommé, cello
BRODER, HERMANO (2012) – composer – for voice or childrens choir and strings (or organ). (Swedish Music Information Center)
LACRIMOSA (2011) – trad – for mixed chorus and instr. ens. (Swedish Music Information Center)
ALTA TRINITA BEATA (2011) – trad – for mixed chorus. Commissioned by Gustaf Vasa Church Stockholm. (Swedish Music Information Center). First performance Gustaf Vasa Church Stockholm, June 2011 with Gustaf Vasa Chamber Choir, cond Lars Fredén,
ETT BARN ÄR FÖTT (A child is born 2011) for choir, – piano or organ opt. – and percussion. (Publ Gehrmans, Stockholm 2011) www.gehrmans.se. First performance Väte Church, Gotland, December 2011. Released on CD ”Sånger till ett nyfött barn”, Ars Longa, cond. David Åberg. https://open.spotify.com/track/55B0v09eRVBsTIPFTVYLxY
MÄNSKOSPEGEL (Human mirror 2010) – composer – for voice or childrens choir and piano. (Swedish Music Information Center) First performance Tibble Church, Täby, Oct 2016
HOSTIAS ET PRECES TIBI (2010) – trad – for mixed chorus a cappella or with brass quintet. (Swedish Music Information Center) First performance Gustaf Vasa Church Stockholm, October 2010 with Gustaf Vasa Chamber Choir and Linné Quintet, cond. Lars Fredén
DUETTO D’AMORE (Mozart in memoriam 2010) for soprano, baritone, accordion (or piano) and double bass. (Available from composer kjell@perder.se)
LIBERA ME (2009) – trad – for mixed chorus SSATBB a cappella (from climate opera Earth and wind) Publisher: Cantando, Oslo 2011 www.cantando.com
First performance Hjorthagen Church Stockholm, April 2011, Voces Nordicae, cond. Lone Larsen Recorded on Cantando CD ”The Nordic Sound” Representing Sweden in ISCM World New Music Days 2017, Vancouver, Canada, performed by Swedish Radio Choir 2018 (Anniversary concert Swedish Composer´s Association), Sofi Jeannin, cond.
LIVETS KÄLLA (Well of life 2009) – bible texts – six songs for mixed chorus a cappella Publ. Gehrmans Stockholm 2009, www.gehrmans.se
CATCHING EYES (2009) – G Sahlberg – for acting choir, blind stick and walking poles. (SMIC) Commissioned by Voces Nordicae. First performance Södra teatern Stockholm, May 2009, Voces Nordicae, cond. Lone Larsen, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCVfQhxxoXQ (excerpt) https://www.svd.se/med-fokus-pa-ogat-blir-det-for-ytligt
LIVETS BRÖD/BREAD OF LIFE (2008) – bible text – for mixed choir a cappella (sacred song nr 3) (Swedish Music Information Center) First performance Gustaf Vasa Church Stockholm, May 2009, Gustaf Vasa Vocal ensemble, cond. Lars Fredén.
KOM TILL MIG/COME TO ME (2008) – bible text – for mixed choir a cappella (sacred song nr 2) (Swedish Music Information Center) First Performance Enskede Church, Stockholm June 2015 by Ars Longa
VÄRLDENS LJUS/LIGHT OF THE WORLD (2008) – bible text – for mixed choir a cappella (sacred song nr 1). (Swedish Music Information Center). First performance Gustaf Vasa Church Stockholm, Jan 2009, Gustaf Vasa Chamber Choir, cond. Lars Fredén.
DEN LÄNGSTA RESAN (The longest journey, 2008) – D Hammarskjöld – for mixed choir a cappella Publisher: Gehrmans Stockholm 2008, gehrmans.se First performance Swedish Church Paris, Sept 2008, Stockholm Cantus, cond. Eva Wedin. Swedish Première: Sofia Church Stockholm with Sofia Vocal ensemble cond. Bengt Ollén.
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HOSIANNA (Hosanna 2007, rev 2009) – trad – for mixed choir a cappella Publ. Gehrmans Stockholm 2011. www.gehrmans.se. First performance Högalid Church Stockholm, March 2007, Högalid Chamber Choir, cond. Ewa Lena Kansbod
CREDO (2005) – trad – for eight voices or mixed choir a cappella (Swedish Music Information Center)
SOM SKALL SJUNGA (As will sing 2005) – G Sahlberg – for mixed choir. Publ. Gehrmans Stockholm 2006 www.gehrmans.se. First performance Confidencen Stockholm April 2006 with Stockholm Chamber Choir, cond. Christoffer Holgersson
ENSAM MARIA (”Lonely Mary” 2005) – Trad/B Setterlind – for mixed choir and two soloists. (Swedish Music Information Center). First performance Engelbrekt Church, Stockholm March 2005 with Helena Stefansson, Bengt Eklund, Engelbrekt Vocal ensemble and Stockholm Cantus cond. Eva Wedin.
ALFABETA (2004) – G Sahlberg – for treble choir. Commissioned by Adolf Fredrik Boy´s Choir, Stockholm. Available from Swedish Music Information Center. First performance Adolf Fredrik Church Stockholm June 2004 with Adolf Fredrik Boy´s Choir, Christoffer Holgersson cond.
NATTENS LÄNGTAN: ”Diaphonia II” (”Night´s longing” 2004) – B Setterlind – for soprano and violoncello (or double bass). Commissioned by Hannah Holgersson. Available from Swedish Music Information Center. First performance Ersta kyrka Stockholm May 2004 with Hannah Holgersson and Andreas Tengberg.
SWEDISH CAROL (2001) – I Watts – for mixed choir. Commissioned by Rudbeck Music Classes, Sollentuna. Available from Swedish Music Information Center. First performance Rotebro Church Sollentuna December 2001 Ulla-Carin Börjesdotter and Rudbeck Music Classes cond. Annika Treborg.
TÖRNROS OCH FÄGRING (Thorn rose and beauty 2001) – lyrics C J L Almqvist – for mixed choir and recitation. Commissioned by Sollentuna Almqvist Festival. Available from Swedish Music Information Center. First performance Edsvik Art Center Sollentuna August 2001 Silverdal Choir, Bengt Särndal, cond.
SOM TILL ETT AVSKED (”As for a farewell” 2001) – lyrics G Sahlberg – for bass voice and piano. (Swedish Music Information Center)
NDOLA (2000/2008) – lyrics D Hammarskjöld – for mixed choir (and percussion). (Swedish Music Information Center). First performance Berwald Hall Stockholm, November 2009 with Swedish Radio Choir and Karl Thorsson perc., cond. Risto Joost.
LUX AETERNA (1998/2000) – trad. – for mixed choir and small treble choir. (Swedish Music Information Center). First performance Storkyrkan Stockholm March 2003 Gustaf Sjökvist Chamber Choir cond. Gustaf Sjökvist.
CANTO EROTICO (1995) for baritone solo and piano (Swedish Music Information Center) First performance Kongl Myntet Stockholm December 1995 with Olle Persson and Matti Hirvonen. Recorded on DAPHNECD 1014 (Grammy award nomination 2001) https://music.apple.com/se/album/mirrors/402578436
ORIGO (1994) – Shelley, Goethe, Bergman – for soprano, alto, baritone, trombone, piano. (Available from Composer kjell@perder.se). First performance Stockholm House of Culture February 1994 with Amelie Fleetwood, Paula Hoffmann, David Aler, Jonas Bylund and Matti Hirvonen.
WINGS AS EAGLES (1994) – bible text – for mixed choir and three percussionists. Commissioned by Concerts Sweden. (Swedish Music Information Center) First performance S:t Jacobs Church Stockholm March 1995 with Jacobs Chamber Choir, Gary Graden, cond.
WE MEN (1993) – E Browning/P B Shelley – for male choir. Commissioned by Orphei Drängar, Uppsala. (Swedish Music Information Center). First performance Temple Church Helsinki April 1994 with Orphei Drängar, cond. Robert Sund. Swedish Premiere Stockholm Concert House April 1994.
LÅNGT BORTOM… (”Far Beyond…” 1993) – H Gullberg – for mixed choir and trombone or cello solo. Publ Gehrmans Stockholm 2005 www.gehrmans.se. First performance Skinnskatteberg June 1993 with Nicolai Chamber choir, cond. Christian Ljunggren. (1:st prize in Skinnskatteberg Choir Rally Composition Contest 1993).
VISION (1991/2002) – W Blake – for eight voices or mixed choir a cappella. (Swedish Music Information Center)
PSALTARSVITEN (”Suite of psalms” 1990) – bible texts – for mixed choir a cappella. (SMIC)
1. Herren vår herde (Ps 23, 1990/2002) for mixed choir, alto solo. Rev 2020 Publisher Bo Ejeby www.ejeby.se
2. Det härliga namnet (Ps 8, 1990/2003) for mixed choir, sopr. solo. (SMIC) 3. Herrens godhet (Ps 113, 1990) for mixed choir, bass solo. (SMIC)
4. Längtan efter Gud (Ps 63, 1990) for mixed choir, tenor solo. (SMIC)
LOVE AND LAMENT (1988/2000) – Shakespeare/Marvell/Burns/Shelley/Lawrence – for five dramatic voices a cappella. (Swedish Music Information Center). First performance Studio 2, National Radio House Stockholm, January 1989 with Lamentabile Consort.
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APHORISM (1987/2003) – E Dickinson – for soprano, baritone and double choir. (Swedish Music Information Center). First performance S:t Jacobs Church Stockholm April 1988 with Lena Willemark, Olle Persson, Choirs of Royal College of Music in Stockholm, cond. Sonny Jansson.
TRIUMF ATT FINNAS TILL (”Triumph to exist” 1987/89) – E Södergran – for choir and recitation. Publ Sveriges Körförbund/Gehrmans Stockholm 1990 www.gehrmans.se. First performance Skinnskatteberg June 1987 with ”Sverigekören” cond. Solvieg Ågren